The LORD is ever-present and always to be acknowledged. We may build our homes, our communities, our cities to dwell within, but they are not safe nor invulnerable if we do not acknowledge the sovereign oversight of Almighty God. (The “LORD,” printed in upper case letters in English translations, is the common rendition for YHWH, or Jehovah – the one and only true God, builder and sustainer of all Creation.)
Apart from the LORD, all our endeavors are ultimately fruitless, no matter how sincerely we may labor to satisfy the needs and wants of a godless humanity. Regardless of our own efforts – even while we sleep – the LORD causes our crops to grow, our flowers to bloom, our plants to produce, our economies to thrive, if we live and work in full regard of “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.”
Each and every child, a blessing from God, is in fact our next generation, collectively to be duly responsible for the wholesome vitality of our future as a nation and ultimately as a civilization. They are to be entrusted with the civil structure and applicable laws that determine the direction of the changing culture each generation experiences and weaves into the fabric of an exceptional people who acknowledge the sovereign rule of Almighty God – the LORD of all Creation. Each generation needs to be armed with solid knowledge of how God works within our lives and relationships, and be able to contend with the errant ideologies that reject eternal truths and the LORD of all Truth.
- David Garrecht
Apart from the LORD, all our endeavors are ultimately fruitless, no matter how sincerely we may labor to satisfy the needs and wants of a godless humanity. Regardless of our own efforts – even while we sleep – the LORD causes our crops to grow, our flowers to bloom, our plants to produce, our economies to thrive, if we live and work in full regard of “the laws of nature and of nature’s God.”
Each and every child, a blessing from God, is in fact our next generation, collectively to be duly responsible for the wholesome vitality of our future as a nation and ultimately as a civilization. They are to be entrusted with the civil structure and applicable laws that determine the direction of the changing culture each generation experiences and weaves into the fabric of an exceptional people who acknowledge the sovereign rule of Almighty God – the LORD of all Creation. Each generation needs to be armed with solid knowledge of how God works within our lives and relationships, and be able to contend with the errant ideologies that reject eternal truths and the LORD of all Truth.
- David Garrecht
Today pray for:
United Church of Hardwick and their pastor Evelyn Lavelli
Community Church of Harrisville/Chesham and their pastor Carol Shelton
Region Staff: James F. Smith, Placement Consultant
United Church of Hardwick and their pastor Evelyn Lavelli
Community Church of Harrisville/Chesham and their pastor Carol Shelton
Region Staff: James F. Smith, Placement Consultant